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Cheryl's PS5 Journey

Writer: Cheryl RichardsonCheryl Richardson

Updated: Oct 24, 2023


***From the Journey Book of Cheryl Richardson: Is it possible to have a game console better than the PlayStation 5? Of course, it is!!! Give Sony time to make its entrance back into the gaming world with a new creation. Just maybe the new and improved console is locked away on hold in the vault of Sony’s Gaming Laboratory waiting to be unleashed. Sony can’t stop and won’t stop pleasing their FANS and some RIVALS (haters) that secretly use Apple products in their dark basement after they lost their battle in trying to explain why another, they are using is better. No chance of that happening.

Sometimes you might have to step out of your comfort zone when choosing a product for what it offers and not just because it the latest product on the market. First, let me just get this out of the way. Yes. I have a Samsung 10SE and the new luxurious iPhone. I am all for everything Apple has to offer but, (yes, but) the Samsung has some pretty nice features that Apple don't have. It is all about me being satisfied in this electronic world and I have a family that will not be left behind when it comes to spending money on electronics and gadgets.

Ok back to my sleek PS5. So, was getting the Play Station 5 easy for you? Absolutely NOT for me and everyone else I know!! My son (Jamal), and our friend Marquita started our long tag-team journey into trying to purchase our PS5 the night before it finally dropped. Having a Sony account, a credit card with the amount available, a son who is a Gamer to get the scoop on when the console will drop in stores and what stores, ALONG WITH A LOT OF PATIENCE made our experience fun, crazy, mad, determined, and in the end very HAPPY and stress free.

There were several nights we did not sleep at all! Imagine staying up for hours refreshing your screen, finally getting the PS5 your cart and then get the message “Out of Stock” on several occasions. The PS5 RELEASE date was November 12, 2020 – Jamal was able to purchase his THAT DAY!! We were so excited! That also meant he could use that left over anxiety and time to help me and Marquita get ours. The first one to get a console in the box will purchase. Sony, Apple, Best Buy, Target, Walmart, Game Stop, and Sam’s Club had my email account information and address. SMH ~ I have deleted account info from most of them.

When Marquita got her PS5, December 29, 2020, we were cheering but my desire to get one was going away. I didn’t say anything. I was getting frustrated, tired, and didn’t want to stay up anymore. BUT…… Get this, Jamal suggested I try the Military Exchange Store. He follows a guy on Twitter that is also Jamal's go to if he is looking for items that’s scarce, such as electronics, shoes, special sale item, etc., You Already Know (YAK) comes to mind ~LOL~ the logo for one of my fellow sales brothers at our shop ( but that’s a story for another time.

So, Jamal's Twitter friend had his notifications on and was monitoring them closely like a hawk looking for its next meal. Day and night even while at work. Phone notifications going off constantly for all sorts of items. Praying that one day when he hear that notification sound, look and see it’s for a PS5 at one of the many retailers that were available. So one day while at work he was on walking down an aisle and his notification goes off. He pulls his phone out to see if it’s for a PS5, it is. YESSSSS!!!

Scrambling to call me while his heart is beating 100mph. Mom! Mom! It available on the Military site. So I’m driving and had to pull off to the side of the road and place my order. At this time when people were trying to get consoles, ANY console not just the PlayStation 5, if your weren’t logged in and ready with a card to hit that add to cart and checkout button ... Hang it up! Game over.

I got Jamal's message and now my heart is racing!!! LOL But guess what! It worked. I made a mistake and bought the cheaper one (without the control) then put the full package one in the box and was informed that I could only purchase ONE! Panic set in – deep in my chest. Time was of the essence. I knew that nearly 40% or more soldiers play games and probably 99% that do have kids was trying to get the PS5 for their kids (or them). After successfully deleting one out of my cart on the Military Exchange website, the correct PS5 in my cart was still there and it was PURCHASED! It arrived January 9, 2021.

I had never done an unboxing video, but I was SOOOO freaking excited about my PS5 and all that it took to get it, I just had to step out of my comfort zone and do it. I sent it to Jamal, and he posted the unboxing on his YouTube Channel

“Best Unboxing PS5 by my mom”-

I held on to the expensive PS5 box because I usually keep the containers especially when the cost is high or to ensure the item works just in case I may need to return. But this box was special like my Louis Vuitton purse bags. Well, I needed room in my storage and pulled the box out after a year of storage and it was SO HARD TO SAY GOOD-BYE.

Literally, the song just happened to be playing as I tore the box up.

I am so glad I did not turn out to be a hardcore Gamer. I couldn’t imagine spending money on every new item that I thought would be nice to have, unlike Jamal, a gamer, who find the need to have every new game system that emerges * just because. Watch Jamal’s Unboxing of The Satisfye ZenGrip Pro Ice Edition Bundle #Best Switch Grip The Satisfye ZenGrip is pretty cool!

Well, I finally played the short version of the new Spiderman, and it took me 5 days to eliminate 12 enemies. Yes, I need some practice. Even called Jamal to help. I will be back to show you just how good I am. LOL It will be a while.




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