What’s up GAMERS!! Let me take you back so you can figure out my age. I think my very first experience with video games was when I around maybe six or seven years old; between 1985 and 1986, so now you know my age. During that time, I was living with my aunt and uncle who was stationed at Eglin Air Force Base in Florida because my mother, who was just entering the military as a single parent was off to basic training and of course I couldn’t join her. But I would have if it was possible. Go Army!
So, one day my cousins and I were watching TV and playing as young kids usually do when my uncle comes home from work in his Air Force work clothes, enters the living room, and set down a colorful box. Looking at the box in suspense and wonder because my uncle always was giving us goodies, we knew it was something that we’ve never seen before. On the outside of the box was the word “ATARI” and that is still engraved in my mind today.
The box also had a variety of pictures which displayed what was called video games. WOW! There were also many characters display on the back of the box. Well, not specifically characters but many new ways to battle friends, family, or should I say the opponent.
There were multiple games but all of them were involving a tank or a plane. Like JET FIGHTER, basically it was blocky shaped planes that continually went from the left to the right of the screen. One Jet was controlled by a player (human) and had to shoot down the AI jets. AI (meaning Artificial Intelligence) which back then wasn’t really anything special like it is today. Enough with the AI movies already! The planes were just programmed to do one thing: fly from the left to the right of the screen.... continuously.
*Remember TANK anyone? Now, TANK was a little more exciting and you had to focus. You controlled a tank in a maze, and you had to drive around and find opposing tanks and shoot them.
*TANK PONG: This game was basically Tanks but in this version the bullets that was shot from the tanks bounced off walls. Giving some interesting game play and trick shots.
*Then there was BIPLANE. This was just to name a few. Now, wayyyy back then we had never heard of anything called a video game or even a computer for that matter.
Back to the UNBOXING of the ATARI. So, it began as my cousin, Lavadus, and I commenced to open the colorful box in absolute awe and joy. (It was a black rectangular shaped box with a slightly raised back. The front was flat andribbed with brown wood grain trim going across the front. On the front right was the, now famous, ATARI logo. There were silver switches on the raised area of the console and from left to right there was the: Power switch, TV type (B/W or color) game select, and game reset. In the middle of the four switches was the game slot. Above the game slot were the words Video Computer System in white. I’m not sure if there were any games included, maybe Pac-Man , but I’m can’t really remember. We got two controllers and an instruction manual. Today, we get one controller, the console, and the website for instructions. Everything in the ATARI box was incased in styrofoam just like all electronics we purchase today.
Eventually we were able to attach the right plugs from the ATARI to the television which was very easy for us. We already had the Vintage Sony Beta Play, the larger-than-life camcorder, and I am sure anything else that could possibly be attached or hooked up to a TV. Way back then, it was, very simple to hook up anything, so, no, we didn’t read the instructions (men don’t need instructions!!).
When we inserted one of the games, my entire life changed and at that time learning how to play was not even a thought, because we had just entered the Gamer Zone and I wasn’t trying to get out. We quickly mastered the first ATARI game that we had the privilege and pleasure to play before most of the kids at school. (NAME THAT GAME IF you can remember). We were controlling a huge circle displayed on the TV that looked like a pizza with a slice taken away. As we, the player, moved around the maze-like board eating little dots, the game made a sound almost like Fozzie Bear from Sesame Street laughing. Sesame Street was the biggest influence and learning program for kids back when I was growing up and today most kids today have no idea about Sesame Street. Okay, back to my Grand Ole ATARI. This game had 4 icons shaped like a ghost, PAC MAN Ghost Names , in a box located in the middle of the board on the TV screen and as a player’s round started, the ghost would came out and start chasing the player’s dots around the maze trying to eat them. If the ghost succeeded the player’s icon-mouth would open all the way and pop. Special dots on the board gave the player power and would turn the tides of the game which meant we could chase and eat the ghosts turning them blue and running from the player. If a ghost was eaten, they would return to the box for a short time before being able to come out. Power pellets could be discovered within the game but the way to beat the game was to completely eat all the dots, map of the game would change, and you go to another level. Does this ring a bell with anyone? Of course, it does. The most loved games that I can think of in the 80s are Pac-Man and Minecraft. But still to this day Pac-Man will forever be an icon in the gaming community spanning multiple games and TV shows, merchandise, etc. There were also multiple games on the ATARI system, but I can only clearly remember a few such as Pit fall, Defender, Space Invaders, Star Wars. Who remember the Castle and the Dragon? E.T. was the biggest flop in video gaming history which sucks because I was a huge fan of E.T. like most of the world was. Also, the reason I love Reese’s Pieces. Ha-Ha.
This was just the beginning of my gaming life and now sitting here playing Call of Duty on my PS5, The Game System of the Century, I do not regret any of the sleepless nights trying to get to One-More-Level.
*From the ATARI of the 80s to the expensive Play Station 5 (PS5) my TV time have been sweet!
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Jamal “Tigerglock” Richardson
YouTube: https://youtube.com/user/WodieBoy79
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tigerglock