Jamal A. Richardson
A Lifelong Gamer! Are you ready to take me on?
TIGERGLOCK: Game On Level 2
After moving to Hanau, Germany with my mother I didn't really have any interest in video games. Yea I loved Pac-Man and playing the Atari, but after a while I lost interest and started doing other things. Before moving there, I was staying with my aunt and uncle. I learned to ride a bike, drive a go-cart, went camping, played T-ball, etc. I did normal stuff most kids did at my age. So when I got to Germany, my mom had my room set up with lots of toys. It was real nice. VERY nice I must say. I was in AWE. But unfortunately me being a young kid, it was never that nice again. I can still hear the words, "clean your room". As I was starting a new chapter in my life in Germany, I just went to school and made friends and started learning as much as I could about Germany. After being there for a while I learned to play marbles and I played marbles a lot. There was a park behind the building my mom and I stayed in on the economy. It was there you could usually find me among a group of kids playing marbles. I can remember those days like it was yesterday.
One Sunday, I was out very early on a second playground and where we stayed there were two apartment complexes, so I was on the playground next to the 2nd complex which was a little lower than the complex we lived in. There was one kid out there and we decided to get into a game of marbles. Marbles was so huge to us, we usually kept a few on us at all times. He had a marble that we called a (Superman); basically it was blue, red, and white swirled. A Superman marble was one of many popular marbles that I remember. But a "Superman"!!!! It was considered a very rare marble in the kid's marble world. So after seeing it, I had to win it from him and add it to my collection. YES, my collection. Of course I had to challenge him for almost thirty minutes to win that Superman marble. I came out victorious in the end. Like I knew I would. This was only the beginning of my gaming life. Upon me winning, he jumped up and took off to the voice of his mother calling him to come to the car. It was then I noticed he was in his Sundays best. He was on his way to church. I still have that Superman marble to this day. I'll post a pic when I find it, along with the marble.
I learned to skate board and play volleyball, basketball, hiking, and many other things in Germany. My mom introduced me to one of her friends. His name was Jones. We addressed all soldiers by their last name. I never asked him how he came to know about video games, but one day he asked me about a video game system and if I would like a video game system. I hadn't heard of any video game system or knew of any system coming out. Matter of fact video games were the last thing on my mind. I was having lots of fun just being a kid. But I was like sure. He knew of someone who was selling a video game system.
A system call Colecovision https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ColecoVision. I was interested, but didn't really know about it, so one day we walked to the second building of the housing complex. Side note: My mother was in the military if you haven't already figured that out. We pick up the console and headed back home. I'm not sure how much he paid for it but it was a huge grey box and the picture on it was something hard to explain cause I've never seen anything like it. It was a black console with two slots for the controllers. The controllers were like a landline phone with actual digits on it 1-9 and 0 I think. At the top of the controller was a round dial. I don't really remember what the cartridges looked like but the console all together looked like a hybrid Atari console.
The only game I can remember playing on it was a Donkey Kong game. The game wasn't in color and it was super simple, but hey it was my first console I'd ever owned. What’s the first game console you ever owned?
Check out Level I
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Jamal “Tigerglock” Richardson
YouTube: https://youtube.com/user/WodieBoy79
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tigerglock